An engaging Football Fan app to give Fans a voice like never before. Your Club, Your Voice, Be Heard.
Business overview
Location | West Malling, United Kingdom |
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Sectors | Data & Analytics Digital Mixed B2B/B2C |
Company number | 10824159 |
Incorporation date | 19 Jun 2017 |

Funded by the Fans for the Fans - The PitchDMM App is the only football fan based community to our knowledge that uses intuitive mobile technology to give passionate fans of the same club the opportunity to express their opinions on team and club performance. We want them to be heard as the collective voice of the fans, at a time when corporate deals and sponsorship are arguably more important in the board room. We aim to give the app users 'Experiences' and clubs the ability to engage fans - we are addressing the issues and intend to provide a fun, video-enhanced, totally interactive, group-friendly app that delivers insight & credible, valuable data.
We believe that the opinions of the lifeblood of the club need to be heard. That is what PitchDMM is achieving: collating the fans collective voice & feeding the views back to Boards and Managers so that they really know how that loss or signing has gone down. Ex-England, Crystal Palace player & Sky Commentator John Salako is our Official Ambassador. Your Club, Your Voice, Be Heard.
Intended impact
PitchDMM gives fans the opportunity to predict the score, select the starting line-up of their own club on a match-by-match basis, rate match performance and the atmosphere or even give their opinions on player signings!
Our pledge to the App user: we tell the media who should be Man of the Match - voted for by the fans. We allow commentators to understand fans' views, and we share the frustrations and ideas with clubs every week. We plan to allow fans access to a console website to compare how they are doing against their mates.
In our experience, every week football fans return from games & moan about the decisions made during the match, yet all fans say that NO ONE listens to the fans or their opinions. Now, with PitchDMM, the fans have a collective voice which aims to ensure the pundits, the commentators and the Clubs listen. We are aiming to be Football Manager meets Fantasy Football in real-time and to make opinions count. The future of the fan experience has arrived and with that comes insight which we believe has huge commercial value.

Substantial accomplishments to date
- Our Trade Mark is pending.
- App already fully built and approved on both iOS & Android, Phase V3 is expected to go live Feb 2018.
- Official ambassador within the sector, John Salako.
- We currently have over 3.6k downloads of the app.
- We expect to deploy V3 in Feb 18 ready for the end of the season and and hope to have additional enhancements by Pre-Season 2018.
- We intend to offer interactive FanTime video enhancements with the next version.
- Potential commercial revenue streams identified.
- Successfully collaborated with a fan site to promote our app to their users.
- We have reached out to various TV shows (Including SoccerAM) to look at how they might utilise the data and video outputs.
- Initiating relationships via social media with Bloggers, Vloggers and influencers to push out data to them in return for support in promoting the app.
- Huge focus on working WITH the clubs fan sites - CRM system set up.
- Established database of contacts relevant to the app.
- Small Marketing tests undertaken.
- Fully Integrated marketing strategy written.
Monetisation strategy

We want to be funded by the fans - for the fans. We want to work with the clubs the fans love.
We intend to utilise our existing contacts, including our PitchDMM Ambassador John Salako, and our other links and associates within the football and sporting world.
We intend to return revenue via five possible income streams:
- Sponsorship.
- Media Partnerships.
- In App promotions & purchases.
- Data & Analytical results delivered to the Radio, Press & media world.
- Analytics to the Sports world & Clubs to allow strategy and commercial planning.
- Streaming Videos and giving collateral to channels to drive up 'Authentic' views of the fans.
- FanTime (our video service) sponsorship & authentic video engagement.
We intend to speak to the NFL & MLS teams, the Cricket 20/20 Franchise, and plan to look into Rugby and Golf as potential new platforms.
In the year 2020, it is expected that football games will not only be available to watch via terrestrial and digital TV but websites will be able to stream the games. We believe that this will open up a huge need to target the community - which we are already building through the PitchDMM App.
Use of proceeds

We intend to spend the proceeds on Marketing & Development only. The App is built and on both Android & iOS already - all we need now is to monetise the app by using the funds to promote and push the app to the relevant audiences.
20% into additional staff to maintain all data reports and distribute to buyers/ media/ clubs and commercial organisations.
66% into Marketing, Radio, Press, Club Promo events, PHA Media contract and Internal Club advertising - gaining users only.
14% on Next phase development into additional sports & the USA market to address MLS & NFL markets.
Target market
Football is an international game with fans across the world, and we believe that the opportunity for our app is global.
In Q1 2015, 8 in 10 fans watched a football game related video clip, which we believe gives our FanTime real attraction.
As of Q1 2015, 85% of Premier League fans owned a smart phone making access to the app easy.
Premier League Fans average 1.25 hours of console gaming per day, according to statistics from Q1 2015.
We believe the travel time to and from games will give a substantial window of opportunity for people to use the PitchDMM app. Pitch DMM app gives them that activity.
The target market is all sports fans. Just five of the top premier league teams combined have almost 200 million followers on Facebook. We intend to move into the Championship, League 1 & 2 and possibly Women's football, also Rugby, Cricket 20/20 and then the American market to encompass the opportunity within the MLS & NFL.
Our target market is all fans of any club, irrelevant of holding a season ticket or attending the games Family friendly with no gender specific slant.
Characteristics of target market

Anyone can be a football fan - regardless of age or gender. Our target market are those passionate about the game, keen to be heard, and have their collective collaborative community voice heard by all commentators, pundits and media. We intend to provide stats and viable data which are currently not captured to our knowledge.
Football fans engage on Social Media across all platforms, in a way which we believe is disparate and not pulling the fans together but segregating opinions. In our experience, Football Managers have been known to trawl through tweets and posts to get insight from fans - we hope that with our app, this will no longer be required, as we now produce fact-based analysis reports to deliver the insight and information they need. It was estimated in 2015 that football had 3.5 billion fans worldwide.
Fan communities can be hard to communicate with but we believe this will provide the platform to talk in one voice.
Marketing strategy

We want to be funded by the fans for the fans! We intend to focus on the clubs who are the clubs of our investors, using their passion and knowledge of the game to increase the app downloads and deliver commercial profitability, valuable stats and revenue streams. Potential revenue streams include in-app purchases, sponsored marketing campaigns, corporate data income, data & analytical stats being sold to both the clubs and the media.
Ex-England, Crystal Palace player & Sky Commentator John Salako is our Official Ambassador.
We want to work with the existing fan-sites to deliver them value.
Competition strategy
To the best of our knowledge, we have no direct competitors, and the Trade Mark is pending. The app is available on Android & iOS.
In our experience, the voice of the fans so far has only counted for those 90minutes during a match. We believe that the opinions of the lifeblood of the club need to be heard. That is what PitchDMM is going to achieve: we will collate the fans' collective voice and feed the views back to Boards and Managers so that they really know how that loss or ‘Marque’ signing has gone down.
We believe that the ability for users to virtually manage their actual team, whilst also being heard across the club and the football community, is a competitive advantage. We believe that quantifiable and fact-based public opinion data will be useful to a range of parties.

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