Live, local staffing & more. Social, useful, fun.
Business overview
Location | London, United Kingdom |
Social media | |
Website | |
Sectors | Recruitment & Procurement Digital Mixed B2B/B2C |
Company number | 09534553 |
Incorporation date | 9 Apr 2015 |

UK temporary employment is worth £26 bn per year. The €415 bn annual global agency work market continues to grow and society demands ever increasing workplace flexibility.
Canyudo is a service which aims to serve that market, delivering live, local staffing - with added, social value.
For managers, Canyudo helps fill job vacancies at short notice, save time and help businesses run efficiently.
For workers, Canyudo locates work opportunities & helps ‘close the deal’. It shows the best employers, as well as which jobbers are quickest, punctual or high-scoring.
We’re launching Canyudo to match jobbers and managers & promote workplace meritocracy.
Using game-design, performance leagues and individual achievements badges, Canyudo is made to make work more like play.
Canyudo uses the best of the “sharing economy” - contextual messaging & location services to create a new, high-value solution for the huge gap in today’s job market.
Look for Canyudo this summer at employers near you!

Intended impact
We believe that as the world grows more connected with software and technology there will be new opportunities for location-based services.
Following the successes of GoGoVan, Uber, AirBnB - “apps with maps”, we believe that a web 3.0 services revolution is underway.
At the moment, there’s no service specifically addressing the problem of underemployment - people looking for work flexibility, part-time work, or additional hours to augment existing income.
Examples of uses can be:
• A restaurant looking for kitchen staff for a night when an employee calls in sick.
• An office manager looking for overnight cleaners after a holiday party.
• A home-owner looking for local teens to cut their lawn.
• A small business looking for a bookkeeper to prepare for the tax season.
• A school PTA looking for parent-volunteers for an event.
• A charity looking for helpers from within its membership to canvass a neighbourhood with leaflets.
Current hiring processes are inefficient. We think the future of hiring belongs in a custom-crafted messaging & location-based service.
Canyudo’s smart, feature-rich tools will allow workers and hirers to make full use of the “always on” economy.
We aim to position ourselves at the centre of this paradigm shift by helping job-seekers and employers connect in a fast, safe and fun way.
In the long term, we also see this project as being about ‘more than just employment’.
But that’s the industry where we’ll begin - harnessing the power of smartphones and social networking to service opportunities in a changing job market.

Substantial accomplishments to date
So far, we have assembled a great team, developed a fantastic product concept and produced a clear product development and launch roadmap:
• Core team established.
• Web version in beta development.
• Alpha builds of iOS and Android versions.
• Early market strategy decided.
• Key launch partners acquired.
• Extensive product development runway.
Proposed 2016 timeline:
• Q2 Web release.
• Q3 MVP* release, metric analysis & 'tweaks'.
• Q4 2nd localisation, comparative metrics, POC** benchmark.
• Q4 2nd round of funding.
2017 :
• Q1 Full release, scaling.
* Minimum Viable Concept.
** Proof Of Concept.

Monetisation strategy
Growing a user base is essential, so Canyudo will be useful, fun and free.
For most users, that will mean that the activities they organise using Canyudo don't cost anything - they get to enjoy all features of the service and never pay a license or fee.
Only in the case where an employer wishes to create a public salaried job vacancy or when a local jobber applies for that job, does Canyudo's two-part revenue model kick in:
• A small commission, per hire, based on the contract's value.
• An annually renewing license, deferred for one year.
We're very keen to keep these fees low, so the revenue model doesn't harm growth and adoption of Canyudo.
The three cornerstones of our Investor proposal are:
1) A growing market of great magnitude.
2) A service worth sharing.
3) A low-impact revenue model.
Use of proceeds
We want to invest in people - to secure the current team then augment it by recruiting great staff in the following areas:
• Technical Development: additional developers, to get Canyudo to market and stay ahead of potential competition.
• A UX.UI* specialist. That's a designer to fine-tune user experience and analyse post-launch statistics and performance.
• Marketing/PR: we’ll need a PR/Marketing manager to work with publicity agencies, and help promote our value proposition.
• A financial advisor & analyst: to prepare the next funding round and assist in defining sweet spots for the revenue model.
* User Experience/User Interface.
Target market

Initial target users are the following two groups:
1. The under-employed.
Our definition: anyone who desires more hours from a current or alternative job is considered ‘under-employed’.
Between 2008 and 2012, this number increased by 1 million people in the UK alone, reaching 10% of the workforce. It is especially pervasive with the most targeted demographic, those aged 16-24 - where it reaches a rate of 21%.
2. Managers
Those with hiring power may have to find last-minute solutions when sick calls or other mishaps threaten normal business operations.
In Hong Kong, (where we will launch our proof of concept), the food and beverage industry is constantly short-staffed by 20,000 people. This presents a perfect canvas on which to launch and test Canyudo.

Characteristics of target market
As the sharing economy continues to grow and adopt flexible working practices, so does our target market:
• 10% of UK workers are looking for additional hours.
• 260,000 employment agencies worldwide.
• Worldwide growth in temp jobs.
• An estimated 75 million 'Dispatch Workers' in China (2011) although some estimates are higher.
• The sector grew from $130 bn in 2014 to $151bn in 2015 in the USA alone!

Marketing strategy
We aim to grow by keeping to the following two principles:
• Be useful.
• And shareable.
At Canyudo, we’re design fanatics, but we also subscribe to 'lean startup' principles.
Our first objective will be to reach MVP (minimum viable product) then enhance Canyudo with subsequent rapid iterations driven by user feedback and data analytics - all learned post-launch, 'in the field'.
MVP launch itself will begin in a restaurant chain in a city we have strong ties to: Hong Kong.
Hong Kong has some of the most fantastic bars and restaurants in the world, but is constantly short-staffed. It is also at the doorstep of mainland China, which has a workforce of ¾ billion people. This presents a great opportunity for proof of concept.
We will introduce Canyudo to a select group of workers and managers, monitoring how it performs and how much it is loved. If we can’t ‘feel the love’, we’ll pivot, adjusting and making changes to achieve the desired effect.
Once these benchmarks are achieved, we will see early users sharing Canyudo socially.
Further marketing activities should amplify early growth.
Once a blueprint is established, we’ll plan to launch in further locations: London and other major markets in UK, eventually “crossing the chasm” to major cities in Europe and USA.

Competition strategy
Although there really is nothing else quite like Canyudo, we may experience contextual competition on four fronts.
1. The employment sector, which we aim to disrupt by ‘being outside the box’.
The staffing industry publishes a number of local apps and web sites of limited scope, serving only their contracted customers or staffing contacts. These are dis-unified and none has taken centre-stage in the market.
Such solutions don’t provide successful systems for live local employment and short contracts. We will provide a service which managers and jobbers alike will find more useful and simple to use.
2. Personal productivity apps, (but not really!)
“To-do list” apps are not specialised to perform manager/jobber matching, feedback rating or social connection. Canyudo functions as a to-do list, but that’s not its only intended purpose.
We don’t intend on directly competing these apps of this nature, in their own market.
3. Current Messaging tech.
We have found that general-purposes messaging systems are not “contextual”... They are are ‘a big generic inbox’ and not relevant to time, place, behaviour, preferences.
While we will leverage popular messaging tools, Canyudo has a task-optimized workflow, better for time-sensitive content & no junk. This is subject to a (US) patent application.
4. Social Networks.
Social Networks are great at delivering visual content and connecting friends or professionals.
Taking advantage social networks, we aim to empower social connectors to make things happen. In a time when Social networks are concerned about ‘contextual collapse’ - we are all about context.

Make work play.
The company mission is to use game-design to:-
• Improve ‘social connection’ - make that useful, shareable and fun’.
• Empower and inform leadership.
• Identify and reward good quality participants.
• Save time and cut B.S. by scoring activities.

Please help to make work play by investing in Canyudo.
Thanks to Seedrs and the Seedrs Investor Community!
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